Our Mini Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies are children from Years 5 and 6 who turn concern for our world into action. We meet once a week to discuss and plan how we can contribute towards spreading God's word in our community. The Mini Vinnies decide the actions we can take to help, grow and advocate within our school and local community.
Mini Vinnie Launch
Our Mini Vinnies shared an assembly on the life and inspiration of St Vincent de Paul on Friday 29th September, where they shared their pledge of commitment with the school. We are delighted to have such a large team of social advocates this year, who will be involved in lots of fundraising activities and social outreach projects throughout the year.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
With the help of Mrs Ford, our Mini Vinnies organised and served coffee and cake at our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 29th September. It was a fantastic turn out and we had lots of compliments about how polite and helpful our lovely Mini Vinnie team are!
Litter Picking
Our Mini Vinnies are always showing their care for creation and stewardship of God's earth by litter picking in the local area- it is one of their favourite past-times!
Visit to Waveney Court
After discussing loneliness following the Pandemic, we decided to visit Waveney Court, a residential living home in our parish. The Mini Vinnies decided to visit during Advent, where they could share in the season of Christmas. We made cards and paper chains with the residents, spent talking to residents about our school and lives then we sang a collection of traditional carols and festive songs. It was an most enjoyable afternoon had by all.
During Advent, the Mini Vinnies also sang a variety of traditional carols and Christmas songs to our local Parent and Toddler group.
Now the weather is becoming drier, we have resumed our litter picking outside our school gates and along the path.
To share the joy of Easter and to spread the Lord's love at this time, the Mini Vinnies designed and wrote Easter cards for children who are unwell in our local hospital. We then asked one of our parents who works on the children's ward to share our Easter cards with the children. We received a lovely response from the nurses who work on the ward, thanking us and telling us about the joy and hope that this brings into the lives of these poorly children. We ask that God may bless them and protect them in their suffering.