Our Lady & St. Werburgh's Catholic Primary School

Fiat Voluntas Dei - May God's will be done

Seabridge Lane, Clayton, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 4AG

(01782) 973 888

Assessment at Our Lady & St Werburgh's

On this page you can find information about how we assess the progress and achievement of your children.  There have been significant changes to the assessment of children in primary education with the removal of Levels from Key Stages 1 and 2.  

Please find our Assessment Policy below:

Assessment and Feedback Policy 2021


The Early Years

Children in the Nursery and Reception are taught through the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.  We have prepared a guide for parents about the EYFS and how assessment is used at Our Lady & St Werburgh's.  To view a copy of the guide please use the link below:

A Parents' Guide to Early Years' Assessment


Key Stages 1 and 2

From Year 1 to Year 6 the children are taught the National Curriculum.  Throughout their journey through the school, the children's progress and achievement are carefully monitored.  We track all children in our classes after formal assessments in English and Mathematics, on a termly basis, using a tracking tool called Insight. This enables us to access and analyse data frequently and drill into the progress and attainment of all groups and individual children, highlighting children who re not making at least expected progress and ensuring timely interventions are put in place to support these children. 

As a core subject in our Catholic school, children are also assessed at least termly in Religious Education. Additional assessment also take place throughout the year in Science. All children are assessed in all foundation subjects annually.